The Effects of Gerrymandering

How Gerrymandering has Negatively Affected Kid’s Programs All Across the Country

        In representative democracies, Gerrymandering refers to political manipulation. Gerrymandering helps turn democracy upside down, allowing politicians to get re-elected even if they fail to address the problems that majority of the people want fixed. Gerrymandering effects our Community on a widespread scale, effecting efforts to expand healthcare and protect Americans from Gun Violence. 

       Redistricting is controlled by State Legislators, and usually during this process, Political parties use the opportunity to solidify their power by drawing opposition voters, out of their districts and maximizing the number within their districts.

       Gerrymandering can wipe out electoral competition, resulting in dramatically different political outcomes. Gerrymandering has even had a negative impact on programs that benefit children, for example, Michigan’s preschool program was proposed a $84 million dollar increase in support of Full-Day, Universal Pre-school for all, but because of the effects of Gerrymandering, this was whittled down to a mere $5 million dollars because of partisan Gerrymandering.  

Few Policies unite Americans to the same degree as policies that provide children with opportunities and support. 77 percent of Voters say they would support efforts in Congress to increase funding for child care assistance and to expand access to early childhood learning. 60percent of Adults and 75 percent of Teachers agree that their local schools are well under-funded, which makes providing a great education to those who need the most a difficult task to complete. 

       The Benefits of having a great Early Childhood Education are repeated time and time again in throughout this Country. 90 percent of Brain Development occurs during a child’s first 5 years, making this the most important part of their Education Cycle. Early Childhood Education promotes healthy development in children, while also helping that child succeed in it’s future whether it’s in school, making more money once their adults and also helping understand Morality. Early Childhood Care can also be a lifeline for families who work. Two-Thirds of kids under 6 who have all available parents in the workforce are in need of Early Child Care and the cost could be 20,000 per year or higher. 

       More than half Americans live in an area that is child care desert and they do not have easy access to Child Care. 

      Functioning child care systems are also crucial for broader economic health. Because of child care challenges, the U.S economy loses $57 billion each year in earning , productivity, and revenue. Education attainment is a key driver of individual economic mobility and employability. 23 percent of High School graduates earn more then more then non-High School graduates do during their lifetimes. Education also better prepares students to be active citizens. Educated Adults are more likely to vote, get involved in Community Organizing and stay informed about politics and current events.  

 Gerrymandering also has a negative impact on Health Care Coverage for young kids and families. The number of Uninsured kids nearly tripled because of Gerrymandering. CHIP helps kids access needed Healthcare and provides lifelong benefits such as improved health, educational attainment, and earnings. Programs such as Chip are important tools in combatting racial inequalities in infant mortality and other health outcomes. Medicaid expansion reduces infant mortality and could save the lives of 140 infants.

 Also, an important source of revenue for most kids and families is the Federal EITC. Federal EITC alone lifted 5.7 million people out of poverty. EITC is a reward for parents work. State-level EITC is linked to higher birth weights, which lowers the risk of death, or poor childhood health for babies. Young children in homes receiving the EITC, especially in families of color, have been found to have better test scores, go further in school, and are more likely to be employed and earn more when they become Adults.

     EITC has reduced financial stress for parents, decreases the rate of suicides and reduces recidivism in the formerly incarcerated. Yet many states still have limited their EITC, while 21 states give out no EITC during tax season. Several states lack of support for such programs is linked directly to state legislatures that are controlled by politicians who do not want to support these programs. 

Many lawmakers are only winning elections only because districts are unfairly drawn. This unfair advantage allows them to support policies that don’t align with the views of the majority. Only 1 percent of Latinos and 4 percent of Blacks have access to high quality preschools and this is a direct result of Gerrymandering. Voters deserve a fair, open process to choose their politicians and Gerrymandering does not allow this to happen.